I blame my 2nd grade school in Alabama whose name escapes me. See, apparently, there was a tornado producing storm somewhere in Alabama. It wasn't over my school where the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Who knows if it was even headed in our direction... Anyway, we had to assume the tornado position and anyone who went to school in the South is wildly familiar with the tornado posistion. You get into the school's hallway on your knees, duck your head down and put your arms over your head. Duck and cover I think they call it. So, we are in the hall in duck and cover position. And we stay there. And stay there. And stay there. It felt like an eternity to this poor little girl. And here I am keeping it real. I had a runny nose. And it was running. And I had no tissue and the teacher yelled at me when I turned around to ask for a tissue. And then I started to cry which made my nose run even more. And then the boys on either side of me started making fun of me. Let's face it, I was a crying, snotty mess. My knees were starting to hurt (wood floors), my back hurt, and the teachers were at the end of the hall having a little party.
After we had been in the duck and cover position forever we were finally allowed to turn around and sit up. Maybe the tornado had moved into Georgia or something. Then the teacher griped at me for not asking for a tissue and I started to cry again. I remember that I cried at school alot in Alabama.
And Mom, I'm sorry, but it is time to come clean. Just be happy that I am not on Dr. Phil, cause I know how you feel about that.
I even got sent to the Principal's office once. I hated Alabama. I don't anymore, but I did then.
So anyway, last Monday we had a tornado in town. I was on Main Street, but it ended up going north of our house. The kids and I spent about 45 minutes in the bathroom reading Ginger Pye though. And now anytime there is rain in the forecast, Tater Tot asks if we will have another tornado.
Then Thursday, at 3 a.m. we had a massive hail storm. I really thought our skylight was going to break. I was so scared as once again the kids and I were huddled in the interior of our house. I even called my poor DH in Arizona and woke him up I was so scared. Here's a picture of the hail - yes, that is a quarter next to it.
And then last night! We had a line of storms come through that was just freaky scary. Several tornadoes, massive damage. And they all managed to miss us, thank goodness.
It was not cool. I seriously hope that does it for our rather frightening spring weather around here. Seriously.
I hope to have another freebie up tomorrow or Monday!
And Mom, I never told you half of what school was like in Alabama. It was awful. They say when you get removed from a situation that you start to only remember the good things. Not that. I seriously remember the misery quite vividly. Just piling on the guilt today, huh?
It;s okay. My therapist says I'll get over it after he makes a few more boat payments.
You poor thing. Our house got trashed by a hail storm when I was in my teens, the roof was smashed, water was through the house and two cars got smashed because they weren't in the garage. My mother was a mess for years, possibly still is, whenever there were storms. I love the electrical ones though. Glad to see you have survived natures season of torture and that you could be brave for the kids - not always easy. Take it easy and relax imagining you are on that Carribean sailing trip your therapist can take thanks to the storms LOL.
Best wishes,
Hey girl....we ALL know how bad it was in Alabama. I know you didn't share it, but I knew you were miserable. We got back home as quick as we could! I'm so sorry for what you had to go through there, but we tried to make up for it.... Love you!
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